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It’s reported that nearly 65 percent of males suffer from gynecomastia which is increased breast tissue that causes the appearance of breasts in males.

Having enlarged breasts, or “man boobs,” can be one of the most embarrassing and frustrating cosmetic issues; however, gynecomastia surgery can help men achieve a normal masculine chest appearance, which can help them feel confident and comfortable with how they look.
As with any cosmetic procedure, gynecomastia surgery requires a recovery period and downtime, which can cause many men to wonder: “What comes next?”
What Causes Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is often caused by a hormonal imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. This is why many boys experience gynecomastia as they go through puberty. While some of these cases in pubescent boys are corrected naturally, when the body balances the hormones after puberty, other males continue to have large breasts that do not go away with time.
Other causes include:
- Steroid use
- Drug use, including marijuana use
- Certain medications
One of the things that makes this condition frustrating is that true gynecomastia cannot be corrected through diet and exercise. Instead, plastic surgery is the only way to remove male breasts permanently.
How Is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed?
Male breast reduction is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat and tissue that contribute to the enlarged breast.
Liposuction surgery is a treatment option if your gynecomastia is caused by excess fat in the chest. Surgical removal or excision, often called “cutting out the glands,”’ is done if your gynecomastia is more breast gland than fat. For most men, their “man boobs” are a combination of fat and gland so liposuction and surgical removal are performed.
For liposuction, a small incision is made in your armpit, and a small cannula (a thin tube) is inserted. Fluid is injected into the treatment area to loosen up stubborn fat in the chest in a technique known as tumescent liposuction. Then, using a larger liposuction cannula, the fat is suctioned out of the chest area to create a more contoured appearance.
For surgical excision of breast tissue, called subcutaneous mastectomy, an incision is made at the bottom edge of the nipple/areola, and the “gland” or breast tissue is surgically removed.
Men with severe cases of gynecomastia may have excess skin removed and their nipple-areola complex raised. This procedure is called male breast reduction.
What Is Gynecomastia Recovery Like?
As with any plastic surgery procedure, you will experience some swelling, bruising, and soreness in the chest area. Pain is minimal and can be managed with simple over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen. Most men who have their procedure performed by Dr. Lo do not take any pain medications after surgery.
It is important to understand that gynecomastia surgery is invasive, meaning that you need to allow your body time to heal. You should refrain from strenuous activity for at least two weeks.
When Can You Get Back to Exercising?
Gynecomastia surgery helps men achieve the normal masculine chest they’ve always wanted. This can help men to want to exercise, whether cardio work or lifting weights to build muscle in their newly contoured chest. While many men want to jump back into these activities, the recovery period is important to your overall health and helps you achieve the results you truly desire.
Dr. Lo has an aggressive exercise routine to give you the best result after “gyno” surgery. With this routine, Dr. Lo allows patients to get back to exercise after two weeks, including walking, cycling, abdominal work, and weights. Dr. Lo will also allow you to start working your chest to shape the tissues and tighten the skin.
However, you must start slowly and gradually ramp up your routine as your body allows. The specific time required before more strenuous activity can be performed depends on your healing rate and the extent of the procedure performed.
At your follow-up appointments, Dr. Lo will examine your recovery and advise you on when you can get back to the gym.
With any post-surgical activity, however, it is so important that you listen to your body. Pain is your body telling you it’s not ready to perform that activity yet. Understand that it is okay to hold off from exercising a little longer.
If you are smart with your recovery, then you will be able to enjoy your transformative and long-lasting results!
Do You Have Any Questions?
If you want to learn more about gynecomastia surgery or any other procedures we offer men in Philadelphia and New Jersey, please call us at (215) 829-6900 or fill out our online form here.