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How Does a Traditional Facelift Differ From Full Facial Rejuvenation?

Posted November 15, 2022 in Facelift

4 Minute Read:

A common misconception in facial plastic surgery is that a facelift corrects the entire face. 

And while the results of facelift surgery are often amazing (causing it to be the third most performed cosmetic surgical procedure in 2020), a facelift only addresses the lower two-thirds of the face (from the cheeks to the neck). 

If you are looking to transform your entire face, then you need to consider surgical procedures for the upper third of your face.

Beautiful woman with half her face showing the signs of aging

By combining other facial procedures to your facelift such as a brow lift and eyelid surgery, you can achieve full facial rejuvenation or correction. 

We will explore these different procedures to help you better understand how you can achieve the youthful facial aesthetic you desire!

What Is a Traditional Facelift? 

Traditional facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that addresses signs of aging and damage (wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin) in the lower face. 

For this procedure, Dr. Lo will make incisions at the side of the face beginning in the hairline at the top of your ear. These incisions will extend down the front of the ear and around the back of your ear to the hairline. Excess skin will be removed, and the underlying facial tissue will be tightened with internal sutures. Finally, your incisions will be closed. 

Illustration of where facelift incisions will be made.

After facelift surgery, most patients find themselves with a smoother, lifted look, a defined jawline, and a sculpted neck that can help them look as young as they feel. 

The Drawbacks of Only Having a Traditional Facelift

While facelift surgery is one of the most transformative plastic surgery procedures available, the reality is that it only addresses the lower face. 

This means that any cosmetic issues you struggle with in the upper face (above the cheeks to the hairline) will not be corrected. Only addressing the lower face may create an imbalanced look to the entire face. This result is often likened to cutting only half of your hair.

The good news is that by combining facial cosmetic procedures, you can achieve a balanced improvement to your entire face. A facial consultation with Dr. Lo will determine what facial procedures are best for you to achieve your goals.

What Procedures Can Help You Achieve a Full Facial Rejuvenation?

Brow Lift Surgery

Sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, brow lift surgery helps smooth wrinkles and muscular lines in the forehead while also reducing sagging skin above the eyebrows. 

This is helpful as sagging eyebrows often make men and women look older and more tired or angry than they actually are. 

For this procedure, Dr. Lo will make an incision just behind your hairline. Excess skin will be removed, and the remaining skin will be pulled to a tighter and higher position. This smoothes out skin creases and lifts the eyebrows for a more natural and youthful appearance. 

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) 

Many men and women find themselves frustrated with the appearance of sagging eyelids and puffiness underneath their eyes often referred to as “bags under the eyes”. 

Dr. Lo offers both upper blepharoplasty which addresses cosmetic concerns on the upper eyelids and lower blepharoplasty which addresses issues on the lower eyelids. Patients can choose to have just upper or lower blepharoplasty, or these procedures can be combined for a total eyelid rejuvenation. 

  • Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) can help correct excess skin on the upper eyelid that can make you look old and tired as well as functional issues in the eyelid where the sagging eyelid skin obstructs your eyesight. 

For upper blepharoplasty, Dr. Lo will make an incision or cut along the natural fold of the upper eyelid. Excess skin and fat may be removed from the eyelid before the incision is closed.

  • Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) corrects puffiness beneath the eyes and loose skin of the lower eyelids,

For this procedure, Dr. Lo will make an incision or cut just below your lower eyelashes or inside the lower lid. From here, he will remove the excess fat and loose skin before closing the incision or cut.

In the End…

Facelift surgery can offer you a more youthful appearance that you can feel proud of; however, by combining brow lift surgery and/or eyelid surgery to your facelift, you can achieve a complete facial rejuvenation to help you feel comfortable and confident in the way others see you. 

Do You Have Any Questions About Facial Procedures in Philadelphia and New Jersey?

If you want to learn more about combining facial surgeries to help you achieve full facial rejuvenation, please call Dr. Lo at (215) 829-6900 or fill out our online form here

SEE ALSO: Facetite Procedure

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